9th-century bishops in Chinese
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- 9th century
- 9世纪; 九世纪
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- century
- n. 1.百年,一世纪。 2.(古罗马)(军队的)百人队,(选举的)百人团。 3.百,百个;【板球】百分。 4.百镑(钞票);〔美俚〕百元(钞票);百码赛跑。 短语和例子 the twentieth [20th] century二十世纪(1901-2000年)。 a century note 〔美俚〕百元钞。 a century title 〔美国〕百码赛跑锦标。...
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- the 9th company
- 9连 第九连 第9连; 第九突击队; 第九行动组; 第九纵队; 敢死连
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What is the meaning of 9th-century bishops in Chinese and how to say 9th-century bishops in Chinese? 9th-century bishops Chinese meaning, 9th-century bishops的中文,9th-century bishops的中文,9th-century bishops的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.